Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Lobo

Ok, it's been a while since there has been any activity on here...and that's our fault. I don't need to tell you that things can get pretty crazy. We're working on it.

That being said, in the spirit of yet another ridiculous holiday, I managed to find something I could throw up here with relative ease. Despite my attitude towards the holiday itself....I'm rooting for everyone to get laid tonight. So in this best way possible....Get Fucked.

A little background on this one....being broke sucks. I also have a gun. Needless to say, it has crossed my mind more than a few times to go on my own little crime-spree; just start taking what people have so that I am then the one who has it. Honorable? No. Possible? No comment.
Let me be perfectly clear; I'm not your average sociopath. That being said, here's a little bit o' ME I'm gonna share with you right quick....I don't give a single fuck about you. I don't. I-I just don't. I'm not a monster...it's just that there is only a select group of people (we'll say in the honest range of about 30-40 total) that I actually give a shit about. It'll range from actually answering the phone when they call to taking a bullet, but they're my people...and even that small circle is shrinking rapidly. It's safe to say, unless there's something beneficial about you breathing the same air as me, you probably look like an ATM to me. I will take your shit.

I want you to keep all of that in mind while I describe how this mentality can be the little seed necessary to make true love blossom.

A little while back, a good friend of mine tells me that he hears of this girl who has a crush on him. This girl is known to sell...things. Immediately, my brain started cranking around dollar signs. The first question I ask my buddy was, "So uh, Sugar-momma or D-bo?"

Then I had a spark of inspiration...why not both?

In case you're missing out, I wanted to know if he planned on latching onto this girl and living the easy life for a while, or if he wanted to rob her blind.

So, Plan-C, right? Hear me out, because I think I may be an evil genius over here. We go and get this girl for what she's got (not trying ruin her life...but a financial step back nonetheless). Then my comrade gains the rare privelege to swoop in and pretend that he will be her rock during this emotional and trying time. Bottom line: we get paid and she gains a sense of security in the arms of her romantic interest.
It's actually a victimless crime (unless you count the horrible pretenses presented to this girl). It really does seem to work out. Forget for a second that the entire relationship is built on one extremely dark secret and is doomed to fail. If my buddy can keep up the lie and take it to the grave, our finances get some flow and she gets a new man. Everybody goes home happy.

I'm just saying that it's a good idea; that's all.

 ....and you thought chocolate was thoughtful.